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Keynote on male allyship in Illinois

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

In November 2023 we have been able to give an all-campus talk on male allyship, gender equality and feminism at Principia College in Illinois. We got to speak on our experience with the UN Women #HeForShe campaign, our frequent exchange on the topic of gender equality, male privilege and allyship with companies, ministries, NGOs and policy makers, the benefits of a more inclusive work, student, and private environment, and practical tools and ideas on how men can support the quest for gender equality more effectively.

It was great to see such a good turnout both in person and online, many questions and the big need to keep talking about how men on campus and beyond can become agents for change. We are looking forward to keep working with these students, faculty and staff.

Picture credit: Principia College


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