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New Beginnings in 2019

After several years of work as change-makers and activists on a part-time and volunteer basis, 2019 will be a major new step for us. With the support of Stiftung Mercator & Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa, we will - for the first time - be able to devote significant time and resources on our #FreeInterrail work. So far, we had jobs and our activism on the side - now our activism will be our job.

As a result we will devote decisively more time in promoting our idea in Berlin, Brussels, and other European countries, building a wider network of civil-society supporters, and ensuring that the EU project, #DiscoverEU, keeps growing into an inclusive, universal, easily-accesible program for all future EU youth.

Additionally, we are beyond excited to keep working on topics close to heart, such as gender equality, feminism, youth empowerment, and simply to do more writing. One of our first orders of business will be another pan-European research trip. More on that soon.

This unfolding of good is proof to us that sticking with your ideas, your passions, and dreams can bring you a long way and is absolutely worth it. We‘re deeply grateful for all of your support, encouragment, and love. If you have ideas on how we can support you with our work, or you want to cooperate on these our other topics, do let us know.

Thank you so much and see you all soon!


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