Our Topics
European Integration
A united Europe is the only viable option for the future of the continent

We believe that European integration is the most important political process of our lifetime. Its success will depend on civil society and all of us standing up for Europe, defending and strengthening its diversity and democracy.
What we currently do:
We engage with European politicians, civil-society organisations, and media in promoting pro-European perspectives and new ideas.
Our 2015 book Who, If Not Us? encourages young Europeans to stand up for their continent and future.
Gender Equality
A better world is only possible with full legal and cultural equality of women and men
Both of us believe in the importance for men to participate in the fight for gender equality. As men and feminists, the best way to learn about the effects of sexism and what to do about is by talking to women. Over the last few years we have been fortunate to meet and interact with a number of feminists in Germany and beyond and learn more about this topics.
What we currently do:
We serve as catalysts for the #HeForShe campaign by the German comitee of UN Women.
We write a German-language column for the great website pinkstinks.
We participate in public discussion on feminism and gender equality, e.g. radio, TV, conferences, or articles

Youth Empowerment
Enabling a young generation to realize their potential will make all the difference

We began our activist work in the field of intergenerational justice and have since continued to learn about the importance of getting young people to participate in political processes and enable them to have their voices heard. Young ideas have always and will continue to change the world for the better.
What we currently do:
We currently teach a seminar at Hamburg's technical university on how young people can make their voices heard in politics.
Both of us invidivually and as a team give speeches, attend panel discussions, and appear on radion and TV advocating young perspectives and ideas.